Guidebooks that can be referred to when private companies and public institutions introduce blockchain technology will be produced for the first time.

According to government officials on the 10th, the Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) plans to push for the “Blockchain Technology Introduction Guidebook Research” project from this month to December this year.

A KISA official said, “We are making guidebooks for the first time,” adding, “We are conducting a pilot project for blockchain.”

We know that institutions that introduce blockchain technology are having technical difficulties, and we are pushing for a guidebook that can help them,” he explained.

In this project, KISA plans to collect and analyze data such as literature on the development and utilization of blockchain services to discover factors to be considered due to the characteristics of technologies related to the introduction of blockchain.

The plan is to prepare reference materials by investigating and organizing related factors such as the need for construction and suitability of introduction when introducing blockchain in advance.

In addition, KISA conducted interviews and surveys for institutions, corporate managers, and business operators who participated in the blockchain pilot and spread project that has been in effect since 2018

When introducing the blockchain, we plan to check the difficulties and concerns that we have experienced

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