“It’s okay in the world of metaverse and blockchain!” Transplant ‘digital DNA’ throughout the company.”

OK Financial Group is speeding up its enterprise-wide “Digital Transformation (DT).” It shares digital trends and information related to new technologies with executives and employees, and actively exchanges between employees using the metaverse platform. In line with the rapid increase in non-face-to-face financial transactions in the financial sector, the company has established a “digital window system” and launched the industry’s first non-face-to-face “OK e-National Pension Relief Account” to promote customer convenience.

The company has established the largest robot automation technology (RPA) among the second financial sector, and is also considering introducing services using blockchain technology to lead the digital market. The move is aimed at securing corporate competitiveness by developing services that can proactively respond to the digital financial environment and respond to the emergence of new blockchain-oriented services such as NFT and virtual assets. It is also taking the lead in applying metaverse technology. Last year, OK Financial Group formed a task force (TF) to utilize Metabus and joined the “Metabus Alliance” for the first time in the savings bank industry. Chairman Choi’s willingness to introduce new technologies and strengthen digital expertise played a big role in OK Financial Group’s overall management, a company official said. “We plan to provide new values and experiences to customers through Metabus Alliance and promote cooperation with innovative companies based on Metabus technology to discover new services.”

OK Financial Group plans to use metaverse technology for △ establishment of remote work spaces (e.g., conference rooms, meeting rooms, etc.) △ establishment of landmarks (volleyball, rugby stadiums, etc.) △ operation of virtual branches △ digital humanization of representative characters (Eutman, director). It is also putting a drive on strengthening the capabilities of executives and employees, which is essential for accelerating digital transformation. It also increased customer convenience by releasing various digital products. OK Savings Bank, the flagship affiliate of OK Financial Group, has launched the “OK e-National Pension Relief Account,” the first bank account dedicated to receiving and receiving national pensions that can be subscribed non-face-to-face in the savings bank industry.

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